Aug 23, 2016

Play Ball!

It's been such a fun week! On Monday we were able to help out with a luau that was put on for the senior couples. A group of us learned a Samoan and Tahitian dance for the occasion and it was so much fun! So I guess I never got to learn the Samoan language on my mission like my dad, but at least I got to learn how to dance like them. No complaints here.

We then had zone conference on Tuesday and it was amazing, as always. During the conference, we focused on what having "a mighty change of heart" really means. I have come to realize as I've been studying this question that our heart needs to be changed in order to become who our Heavenly Father needs us to become. And, in reality, He doesn't want us to change for Him. He wants us to change so that we can not only become who He wants us to be, but who He knows we can be. He wants us to reach our full potential and when we're humble enough to give our will to Him, He is able to mold us into somebody that is far greater than anything we could imagine for ourselves. President Gardner talked to us about how we can know that we've had a change of heart when instead of saying "I can't" we say "I don't want to". We come to realize that our Heavenly Father truly knows what's best for us and that He wants us to be happy and successful in our lives. The only way that we can truly achieve that is by submitting our will to Him and trusting Him. It's not an easy thing to do, but thankfully we have help along the way.

After the conference we were able to play softball with everyone and we even got to see President Gardner in jeans. That was definitely a highlight. And, yes family, I did hit the ball, thank you very much.

Another event of the week: my kidney stones returned. So dumb, I know. It seems be a curse at the Trail Center that every time sisters get ready to go home, something happens to them. But don't worry, they weren't nearly as bad as last time and I'm doing a lot better. The Lord definitely takes care of His missionaries.
 Why, yes. Those are feathers on my hips.

 This is how the islanders do it.

 Sometimes I like to pretend that I'm athletic. 

 We don't mess around in Omaha.

Sister Willis returns! #wealwaysback

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