May 17, 2016

Pioneer Children Sang As They Walked and Walked and Walked... And Walked

We did a lot of walking this week. Well, I guess that sounds a little dramatic. I've been spoiled my entire mission with a car, but it sure felt like a lot of walking. On Monday we were able to go to the zoo which is always a good time. And when it's the number one zoo in the world, how could you not have fun? We were pretty exhausted towards the end but it was totally worth it.

We were also able to have a really powerful lesson on the Atonement with Eli and Christine. We decided that we would focus on helping them understand what the Atonement really is and what it can do for them. As we read through Alma 7:11, we dissected the verse with them and talked about how Christ experienced everything that we have and ever will feel and that because of that, He knows exactly what we're going through. You could literally see Eli's face light up as he realized that there is somebody who understands what he's felt and experienced and that Christ can help him through that. It really is such a blessing to know that we always have somebody on our side and that there isn't anything that we go through that He hasn't experienced Himself. Because of that, He knows and He heals.

We did some more walking on Saturday for Florence Days! I totally remember dressing up like a pioneer last year and marching in the parade and I still can't believe that it's here again. But just like last year, we had so much fun! This year we decided to do an outdoor musical concert at a park after the parade to try to attract people to the Trail Center, and it went really well. We didn't have a huge turn out, but we were so grateful for those who did come. I loved being able to promote the Trail Center and help more people know about it, so hopefully we will see some more locals come in!

I saw an amazing miracle at the Trail Center on Sunday. Sister Irwin and I took a tour with a man named Glenn who drives a truck for a living and he told us that it has been a while since he has been able to go to church because he has to travel on the weekends. At the end of the tour, we asked him if he was going to go to church later that day and at first he said no and kept trying to come up with excuses not to go. But, after the Spirit worked on him a little bit, he said he would go! He ended up getting a ride with a senior couple and took the sacrament for the first time in years. That is what being a missionary is all about.
 Welcome to the desert dome.

 Sister Abbott was no amused.

 Aren't my kids cute?

 Sister Hyde. Whatta gem.

Gotta love them pioneer folk.

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