Jan 25, 2016

Always on our lips.

This week we were able to participate in a Worldwide Missionary Conference that was broadcast ed to all of the 75,000 missionaries from around the world. They haven't done anything like it for 10 years, so it was a special event to be a part of. During the conference, we had several training's from leaders of the church and, of course, they were incredible. I think the biggest lesson that I took from the conference is how important our calling really is and that it doesn't end when we go home. We are always going to be missionaries because it is our responsibility and duty as members of the church to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with everyone. He should always be on our lips.

I also learned from Elder Bednar that when it comes to revelation, we know that it is something that touches our minds as well as our hearts, but we don't always have to know that it's revelation. We just have to be worthy and have the faith to press forward and go. That is how the Lord works sometimes, He wants us to act before He actually gives us an answer. By going through that process, it gives us the opportunity to strengthen our faith and learn for ourselves.

Something that Elder Oaks told us at the end of the conference was that "In due time, you will be able to see how important your missionary service is." I know that this could definitely be applied to our future lives as well as to the world as a whole. There is a reason that the Lord needs more missionaries and it's because the world is getting more and more wicked. But knowing that makes me so grateful to be building a foundation as a missionary that I know will help me in my future.

We were also able to have an amazing training on Saturday by our Trail Center Leaders. They talked to us about how a lot of the time, as sisters, we are very hard on ourselves because we aren't "perfect". I have come to hate that word because there isn't a universal definition for it. What is "perfect" from someone might not be for the next person. That applies to us as children of God as well. What we expect as perfection isn't the same as what our Heavenly Father expects of us. He knows that we are never going to reach perfection in this life because that isn't what we are here to do. We are here to learn how we can be perfect and how we can get on the right path to lead us there. That knowledge has become such a comfort to me and I could feel the warmth of my Heavenly Father's love surround me.
Photo shoot in the snow. Because what else do you do in January? 

 This is what happens when you're under 5 foot. Eat your veggies, kids.

Nailed it!

Jan 18, 2016

While Sister Chappell and I were driving home from our district meeting, we were in the right lane when the car next to us in the left lane rammed into the back of a line of 4 cars that were stopped to turn. It turned into a domino effect and one of the cars actually slid underneath the car in front of it so one ended up on top of the other. Thankfully, nobody was seriously injured, but we felt so grateful because we easily could have been in the other lane and we felt so blessed that we were only witnesses rather than being one of the cars involved. The Lord truly protects His missionaries.

When I thought about how we were witnesses to the accident, Mosiah 18:9 came in to my mind, "Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..." I thought a lot about how, as members of the church, we are witnesses every day. It may not be a witness to an accident, but a witness to Jesus Christ. We have been commanded to testify of Christ and be and example of Him wherever we are whether we have a missionary tag on our chest or not. It made me realize that, even when I'm not a missionary anymore, I want to make sure that I help others come unto Christ in any way that I can. I have been able to recieve so much happiness, guidance and peace from having Him in my life. How could I not want that for others?

Also, we heard that Obama came to Omaha this week. We were hoping he was going to come into the Trail Center, but no such luck. Maybe next time.

The high was 4 on Sunday, so we are all hoping it warms up a little this next week. Pray for us!
 We didn't get a picture of the actually accident, so we thought we would rein-act what the cars looked like.

 We love eyebrow tweezing parties! Well... I do.

 My mom and sister have taught me well.

Let us all take a moment of silence to appreciate Brother Reeves' Star Wars room. He's sort of a fan.

Jan 11, 2016

One by One

For some reason, I have been noticing the number one a lot this week.

Earlier in the week, we met with a less active member in our ward and she has been going through a really hard time. Her son recently committed suicide the day before Thanksgiving and she hasn't had the money to give him a proper burial. We sat there as she told us everything and my heart broke for her. I couldn't imagine having to go through something like that.

As I was listening to her, I couldn't help but think about how grateful I am to know that this life isn't the end and that I have the knowledge of Jesus Christ and His atonement. Lately, I have been reading about about how Jesus Christ is the ONLY ONE who could save us. I find it so astounding to think that Jesus Christ, our older brother who loves us so much, was willing to atone for us and provide us with a way home to live with our Father again. Not only did overcome death, but He also made it possible for pain to become joy, sorrow to become happiness, and for our broken hearts to become mended. It doesn't happen all at once, but through Him, it's not only possible but a reality. He knows all of us so personally and uniquely and is always there for us. He helps us and loves us one by one. As a missionary, I feel so thankful to be His servant and help find others one by one to bring them closer to Him. I couldn't ask for a better calling.

Another reason why "one" has been the theme of the week? We reached 11 months as missionaries on 1-11. It's also our "golden anniversary", so we thought that was pretty cool.

I was also able to experience a true Nebraska winter this weekend. It got down to 4 below zero not counting the wind chill, so it was definitely cold.. But I survived! Oh, January. You may be cold and wet with no holidays to look forward to, but we still love you. At least, that's what we keep telling ourselves. Here's to another week!
The Duerksens. We are are going to miss them so much!

 The Ellis' are deciding to leave us too. It's not OK.

 Happy 11 months! We finally ran out of fingers.

 Another "one" for the week.

I have something that I need to get off of my chest... meet my new man.

Jan 4, 2016

Twenty Sixteen

This week started off with another snow storm. Our cars were grounded all day Monday, but thankfully it was a P-Day. After we walked up to the Trail Center and emailed home, we decided we would make the best of being stuck in our apartment. Once we got home, we jumped in our pajamas, made some waffles and watched movies all day. We had so much fun being lazy.

On New Year's Eve, our Stake threw a party at the church to celebrate. There were fireworks, snacks, and we even got to make our own party hats. Now that's what I call a party. Later that night, Sister Chappell and I decided that we would throw our own party and ring in the new year "missionary style". We set the clocks forward to 11:59 and drank some Martinelli's as we counted down to midnight. We didn't care that it was actually 10 because we figured that it was the new year somewhere in the world and we had so much fun welcoming 2016.

The end of the year also meant the end of Gingerbread. We are all so sad to see it come to close, but are so grateful for the miracles that we were able to see from it. We had almost 18,000 people come through, 60% of the tours we took were non-members and we had so many of them accept missionaries to come teach them more. That in itself is a huge miracle and we are so excited to see what happens.

I have such a good feeling about this coming year. I can't wait to see all that is to come in 2016 and I can just tell that it's going to be full of laughs, tears and so many memories.

Happy New Year, everyone!
 Waffle parties are the best kind of parties.

 We were really proud of our party hats.

 Hello, to the New Year!

We can never take ourselves seriously.
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